November 8, 2023 Regional Meeting minutes

The Regional Meeting of the Chicago Dental Society convened at the Drury Lane Oak Brook, 
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, at 8:30 a.m., local time, with CDS President Dr. Michael G. Durbin presiding.

Call to Order:  

Dr. Durbin called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

Approval of Minutes:    

Inasmuch as the official minutes of the meeting of Friday, April 14, 2023 were published in the July/August 2023 issue of the CDS Review, a motion was entertained to dispense with reading them. 

MOVED by Dr. Denise D. Hale, seconded by Dr. Louis A. Imburgia, and carried to dispense with reading the April 14, 2023 minutes at this time. 

MOVED by Dr. John M. Hagopian, seconded by Dr. Louis A. Imburgia, and carried to accept the minutes of the meeting of the Friday, April 14, 2023 Regional Meeting.

Reports of the Board and Standing Committees:

There were no reports of the Board or Standing Committees.

Unfinished Business:

There was no Unfinished Business to report.  

New Business: 

2024 CDS Officer Nominations: Dr. Durbin reported that nominating petitions for the 2024 officers had been duly filed in the CDS central office, and their names duly published in the July/August and September/October issues of the CDS Review,  October Newsletter, and within the digital version of the Review, in accordance with the CDS bylaws.  

Since not more than one candidate has been nominated for each elective office, in accordance with CDS Bylaws, Dr. Durbin entertained a motion to direct the Secretary to cast a single unanimous ballot on behalf of all the respective candidates for office.

MOVED by Dr. Brittaney J. Hill, seconded by Dr. Louis A. Imburgia, and carried, that a single unanimous ballot be cast on behalf of all the respective candidates for office.

Dr. Durbin then congratulated Dr. Mark F. Ploskonka, Treasurer-elect; Dr. Victoria A. Ursitti, Vice President-elect; Philip L. Schefke, Secretary-elect; and Dr. Denise D. Hale, President-elect. 

He noted that these officers would be installed along with Dr. David B. Lewis, Jr.,  who would assume the office of the President. These officers assumed their respective duties on January 1, 2024, and will continue through December 31, 2024, in accordance with the fiscal year. Dr. Durbin extended an open invitation to all CDS members and their families to join them for the Installation of Officers to personally congratulate them.  He noted that the Society’s 50-year graduates would also be recognized at that time. Flyers including the QR Code for required registration for the Installation were made available. 


Dr. Durbin encouraged the attendees to visit the exhibitors during the breaks to see what each had to offer.  He expressed appreciation to the exhibitors for their continued support of the CDS.  Everyone was asked to silence their cell phones.  

Dr. Durbin announced the dates of the 2024 Regional Meetings and Webinars to include:
  • April 5, 2024, an in-person Regional Meeting on the topic of Dental Anxiety and Phobias and Special Needs Patients, presented by Joanne Oppenheim, DDS, and Kenneth Kromash, DDS.  
  • June 14, 2024, a Practice Management Webinar featuring Richard Huot, DDS.  
  • September 20, 2024 an in-person Regional Meeting on the topic of Cosmetic Procedures to be presented by Alan Harvey, DDS, Diana Bolotin, MD, and Joseph Meleca, MD
  • November 8, 2024 an in-person Regional Meeting entitled: Smile Design will be presented by
  • David Turok, DDS.

Monthly Meeting Program:

Dr. Durbin then called upon Dr. John Moore to introduce Robert Goldberg, DDS, who presented the program entitled “Cornucopia of Clinical Conundrums in Endodontics.”

The meeting was adjourned near 12:00 p.m.