North Side Officers & Committees

Board of Directors

  • Raymond Tsou, president, 2025
  • Lee Braam, president-elect, 2025
  • Sonal Patel, treasurer 2025
  • Samia Rageb Hempel, vice president, 2025
  • Joy Poskozim, recording secretary, 2025
  • Sara Imtiaz, new dentist rep
  • William Simon, trustee, senior, 2025
  • Joanne Oppenheim, trustee, junior, 2026
  • Samantha Kufta, trustee, freshman, 2027

Branch Correspondent

Jun Lim

Director to CDS

Jun Lim, director, 2022-24

Branch Committees

Constitution & Bylaws

Cissy Furusho

Branch PAC

David Behm, 2025

Dinner Chair

Danny Hanna


  • David Behm, chair
  • Terri Tiersky
  • Harold Krinsky
  • Janet Kuhn
  • Gary Wegmann
  • Ronald Widen
  • Joshua Ries



Lee Braam

New Dentist Representative

Sara Imtiaz

Peer Review

  • Jeffrey Kramer, chair, 2025
  • Jeffrey Arnold, 2025
  • Gloria Chen, 2025
  • Larry Fisher, 2025
  • Samantha Kufta, 2025
  • Ilie Pavel, 2025
  • Agata Skiba, 2025

Program Chair

Raymond Tsou