Board of Directors

  • Matthew Drescher, president
  • Lynse Briney, president-elect
  • Bryce Larson, secretary
  • Baleigh Salvino, vice president
  • Oleksandr Grechko, treasurer
  • Brett Turek, librarian
  • Andrew Wiers, trustee, senior, 2025
  • Daniela Brzozowski, trustee, junior, 2026
  • Anna Orland, trustee, freshman, 2027

Branch Correspondent

 Brett Turek

Director to CDS

Paul Kempf Jr., 2022-24

Branch Committees

Branch PAC

Mark Ploskonka

Dinner Chair

Kenneth Korpan

Golf Outing

Mark Ploskonka


  • James McKee, chair, 2025
  • Alyssa Brown, 2025
  • Glenn DeWeirdt Jr, 2025
  • Philip Girgis, 2025
  • John Milgram, 2025
  • Timothy Robieson, 2025
  • Sharon Szeszycki, 2025

New Dentist Chair

Medalith Somers

Peer Review

  • Sharon Szeszycki, chair, 2025
  • Glenn DeWeirdt Jr., 2025
  • Oleksandr Grechko, 2025
  • Mary Ann Hollis, 2025
  • John Houlihan, 2025
  • Celeste Medynskyj, 2025
  • Anna Orland, 2025
  • Andrew Wiers, 2025
  • Kenneth Korpan, 2025

Program Chair

Amita Hezarkhani