Student Chair Form

We invite D3 and D4 dental students from UIC COD, MWU CDM-IL and SIU SDM to serve as Midwinter Meeting Room Chairs.

You must be registered for the Midwinter Meeting.

NEW for 2025: Once you fill out the form, you will receive an email link from within 2-3 business days to sign up for your Midwinter Meeting courses and workshops you'd like to be a room chair for   Room Chairs must attend a mandatory orientation at 6:30 a.m. on the morning of their service. They are responsible for scanning attendees' badges as they enter the course rooms. Room Chairs must sign up for a minimum of 5 hours of course time (5 hours of CE credit) to serve as Room Chair. Room Chairs will receive CE credit, breakfast, lunch and a $200 honorarium for volunteering for one day at the Midwinter Meeting. Room chairs may only serve one day.


Dental School
Service Dates - Please check all the available days you are available to serve. You will be assigned to serve on one of those days.
I agree to provide a personal signature in order to allow CDS to process my per diem check